⭐️ Global Talent Visa
February 8, 2024
Updated on
February 8, 2024

Academic Contribution - what is it and how to show it in your application?

Academic Contribution - what is it and how to show it in your application?

Regardless of the Global Talent visa track an applicant is taking– an Exceptional Promise or Exceptional Talent – Academic Contribution is proven to be helpful.

According to Tech Nation endorsement guideline, if a candidate wants to get an Exceptional Talent visa, they can choose to provide evidence of their exceptional ability in the field by academic contributions. The contributions must be published or endorsed by a research supervisor or other expert.

Applicants for Exceptional Promise visa can choose to provide at least1 example of their exceptional ability in the field by academic contributions. The evidence must also be endorsed by an expert or a research supervisor.

The main difference between the requirements is the mention that Exceptional Promise candidates must provide more than one piece of academic contributions evidence. Applicants for Exceptional Talent must be endorsed not just by one expert but a panel of experts.

What are Requirements for Academic Contributions?

According to Tech Nation, academic research must be endorsed by a recognised academic expert. The endorsement may be available through peer review in a recognised publication or through a leading senior academic who has supervised the research.

List of academic contributions

  • Article/research published in a top-tier peer-reviewed journal (listed in SCOPUS and Web of Science). The paper can be written by either an independent researcher or a group of scientists.
  • Research endorsed by the government or NGOs.
  • Research paper published by an international organisation (Council of Europe, the United Nations, World Trade Organization, etc.)
  • Letter of support from a research supervisor or other expert in the digital sphere. The expert has to affirm the potential of your research to the world-class standard. This letter has to be an addition to the required letters of recommendation and must be written by another individual.
  • Book or chapter of a book published by a recognised publisher (Springer, Sage Publishing, Boulder Books, etc.).
  • Fellowship application if it includes an analytical part.
  • Presentations at a peer-reviewed conference or awards at competitive peer-reviewed research grants.
  • Extract from a doctoral thesis or reference on the doctoral dissertation. Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or Master’s thesis does not qualify for this criteria.
  • Start brainstorming your individual academic contributions and do not forget to sign up for a free consultation with us.
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