⭐️ Global Talent Visa
March 26, 2023
Updated on
March 26, 2023

Academic Contribution — what is it and how to show it in your application?

Academic Contribution
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Academic contribution is one of the four optional criteria for the Global Talent Visa application. Unlike significant contribution, innovation and outside occupation criteria, academic contribution is rarely chosen by digital specialists, as their experience is more practice-based.

💬 Immigram notes:
“Data scientists applying for a Global Talent Visa with us often choose this criterion. Since they usually have an academic background, the evidence of academic contribution is straightforward.”

According to Tech Nation, an applicant in either subcategory — an Exceptional Promise or Exceptional Talent — has to provide “at least 1 example of exceptional ability in the [digital] field by academic contributions through research published and endorsed by an expert”.

What does it mean?

To match the academic contribution criterion, a candidate has to provide at least 3 published academic articles/research, or any other proof of academic contribution from the list below.

List of potential evidence

  • Article/research published in a top-tier peer-reviewed journal (listed in SCOPUS and Web of Science). The paper can be written by either an independent researcher or a group of scientists.
  • Research paper published by an international organisation (Council of Europe, the United Nations, World Trade Organization, etc.)
  • Book or chapter of a book published by a recognised publisher (Springer, Sage Publishing, Boulder Books, etc.)
  • Research endorsed by the government or NGOs.
  • Fellowship application if it includes an analytical part.
  • Extract from a doctoral thesis or reference on the doctoral dissertation. Research undertaken as part of an undergraduate or Master’s thesis does not qualify for this criteria.

Additionally, an applicant for the Global Talent Visa has to provide at least one reference letter signed by a research supervisor or other recognised academic expert with a high h-index. The letter has to affirm the potential of the provided research and describe the candidate’s achievements in the academic field.

Participating at peer-reviewed research conferences or awards at competitive peer-reviewed research grants can also serve as evidence for the academic contribution criterion.

💬 Immigram notes:
“We don’t advise choosing this criterion if an applicant under an Exceptional Talent subcategory doesn’t have a PhD degree. There is no such a requirement in the Tech Nation guide but without the degree it will be nearly impossible for a candidate to qualify. Learn more about the difference in the evidence for Promise and Talent candidates here.”

Immigram offers Global Talent Visa guidance to digital tech candidates in choosing criteria and compiling the necessary evidence. Take our scoring test to evaluate your chances of getting the visa and get detailed feedback from our team.

* All immigration advice is provided by OISC regulated partner. Ref No. F202100337

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